Unfortunately I was unaware of this until just now, but:
The Office of Public Works recently organised a day-long seminar 'Open for Business v.2.0' [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/open-for-business-v20-tickets-19694884931] with the following speakers:
Keynote Speaker: Mark Taylor, Sirius Martin Troy, Dept. of Public Expenditure & Reform / Eoin Mc Cuirc, Central Statistics Office: Open Data in Ireland Tim Willoughby, LGMA & Giovanni Tumarello, Siren: Use of Open Source Data Intelligence & Case tracking in LGMA Eoghan Mc Carthy, NUIM: Dublin Dashboard and AIRO Alan Mc Nab, MD of Arista networks: Why Open Source is important to Arista Dr. Mihai Bilauca, Limerick City & County Council: How Open Source changed customer service delivery Gijs Hillenius: Open Source across the EU [ http://www.hillenius.com/dublin-2016/index.html] Vincent Hussey, Office of Public Works: Use of Open Source tools in river monitoring Ray Pierce, Garda Siochana: Open source case tracking Cleo O' Beirne, Revenue Commissioners: Enterprise Search tools Closing Locknote: Joe Dromgoole, MongoDB: NoSQL
The seminar took place on 2 March and had the tagline 'open source, open standards and open data'.
Summaries of some of the talks:
https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/osor/news/open-source-lets-irish-taxes... https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/osor/news/ireland-national-library-ope... https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/community/osor/news/%E2%80%98open-source-essenti...
Encouraging that this is happening here.