hello boss

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 10:43 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel@pocock.pro> wrote:

This is good feedback Daniel

Here are some other thoughts I had about possible ways to organize the
dev-room, based on things I've seen in the past and in other events:

- 50% XMPP and 50% telephony - basically like what we did when we had
the dev-room for two days
- each of the admins (Ralph, Saúl, Iain and myself) picks 2 hours worth
of speakers
- wait until the deadline and then ask the speakers to rate each other
- tag each proposal with keywords (e.g. WebRTC, XMPP, SIP) and then make
sure we pick at least one speaker for each keyword
- asking the speakers to work in a panel or group discussion as you have
- asking speakers from related topics to work sequentially but without a
gap between those talks (e.g. three XMPP speakers for 15 minutes each
with a very rapid change between each) and then 15 minutes for questions
to all the speakers in that series

I'm not suggesting any of these ideas is best, it would be really
interesting to hear ideas from other people who want to attend or speak.

On 04/11/15 13:35, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> accommodating all proposals from sip/xmpp/everything-rtc might be
> difficult -- if not submitted so far, I expect to be plenty before the
> deadline.
> In my opinion this is a good occasion to share knowledge across
> different protocols/projects, so it might worth setting up some panels
> on common topics of RTC:
> - security
> - scalability
> - continuous integration
> - etc...
> We have to keep in mind that the conference is developer oriented, so I
> am not looking at seeing on how some stuff can be configured for a
> particular VoIP/XMPP/... project, but more generics like how easy/hard
> was to implement something, what libraries/projects are friendly to
> reuse (e.g., for HA).
> Other topics I would like to see approached:
> - client and server apps developers discussing what the other side does
> good or bad
> - involvement of open source devs in standardization process. Maybe xmpp
> is way better here, as it started from community towards
> standardization, but with SIP I noticed that most of us kind of stops as
> doing a hack in its open source app to fix a real problem, not pursuing
> further to IETF/ETSI/ITU/etc.
> These are couple of ideas so far, maybe not all suitable for Fosdem
> (again, the event targets developer topics), but then this mailing list
> can be used to discuss further if other people are interested in same
> topics.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 03/11/15 16:43, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> While we've sent out a call for participation and we are hoping to
>> receive applications from speakers, it is also possible for people to
>> suggest speakers who we can contact and invite.
>> So if there is a particular developer who you would like to see in the
>> RTC dev-room, feel free to ask them to apply or send me their name and
>> some details about why you are nominating them and I will try to contact
>> them.
>> Regards,
>> Daniel
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