Hello everyone.
I've written a proposal for the topic : "Click To Dial Popup Window for the Linux Desktop".
I have also submitted the draft on the GSoC proposal.

I'd like to make a application  tohandle tel: MIME links.
It will open a PyQt window that will...
  • Display Phone number
  • Display a dialer
  • Dialer country name and flag. Region, if possible.
  • Have a button to add to address book.
  • Have a button to send a text (optional)
Would love your feedback on the following proposal
  1. Are there any features you would like to see in the applications ?
  2. Is my proposal missing anything ?
  3. What would you like to do with a phone number on a Linux desktop besides calling, texting, adding it to an address book and displaying details about the number ?

Screenshot of GUI : https://salsa.debian.org/comfortablydumb-guest/Hello-from-the-Debian-side/blob/master/Images/Screenshot%20from%202018-03-27%2013-12-38.png


PS. My deadline is in 4 hours, would be great if you guys could give it a quick glance :)

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