Full-name: Naman Tiwari

First-name: Naman

IRC-Nick: namantw

Main-programming-language: Python, C++

# comma separated:
Other-programming-languages: Java

# create salsa account here: https://signup.salsa.debian.org/

# create Wiki account here: https://wiki.debian.org/FrontPage?action=newaccount


Github-profile: https://github.com/namantw

# Provide full name and email address.  You may repeat this line multiple times
# if you have more than one person willing to be a co-mentor.
Potential-co-mentor: Pranjal Paliwal  paliwal.pranjal83@gmail.com

Graduation-date: 2021-09-09

University: Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad

City: Allahabad

Country: India

# type GSoC, Outreachy or Both if you are eligible:

Program: GSoC

# any other organizations or internships you are applying for

Other-applications: None

# any other details
