Hi Daniel,
I was going through the feature request listed for Lumicall at https://project.freertc.org/projects/lumicall/issues

I cannot find details about most of them. Can you please provide detailed description about these?

On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 5:33 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel@pocock.pro> wrote:

The Outreachy application deadline is Monday, 17 October at 19:00 UTC

Anybody interested in mentoring, at this stage, the best thing to do is
simply promote the program and help answer questions on the mailing
lists.  After the application deadline, we can see the number of
applicants and discuss how to proceed.

Every potential intern needs to register in the GNOME registration
system before the deadline:

Interns: don't wait for the last minute, servers often crash in the hour
before an important deadline.

In the application, it asks you to propose a timeline for your work.
Pick one or more of the tasks from project.freertc.org (or any other
bugs listed in Github or elsewhere) and make a list of them in the order
you would work on them.

Every applicant needs to make a small contribution to a project before
the deadline.  Simply trying to compile one of the projects and sending
a public email about your experience doing that will be sufficient but
it is better if you try to fix some bug or make some small improvement
to the code.  If a mentor hasn't already given you a small task, simply
pick one of the projects depending on your preferred programming language:

Java:          https://github.com/opentelecoms-org/omnidial

Java/Android:  https://lumicall.org

C++            reSIProcate - use this script to prepare for compile:

JavaScript     https://jscommunicator.org

For any general questions about Outreachy and Debian terms and
conditions, please ask in the debian-outreach mailing list:
or the IRC channel #debian-outreach on the OFTC network

Please ask any question about the topic itself on this Free-RTC mailing list

I'd like to emphasize that the Outreachy program has significantly less
funding than the GSoC program and far fewer interns are selected.
Anybody who does submit an Outreachy application can be considered for
GSoC 2017 as well and we have had many cases where applications are not
accepted in Outreachy but were subsequently successful in applying for
GSoC.  Many of the details from the Outreachy application can be
cut-and-pasted for a GSoC application too so please keep a copy of
everything you put in the application.  Please make sure you tell us if
you also want to apply for GSoC 2017.

If you are not sure what to include in your application, please see the
suggestions I provided to GSoC students this year:
but submit your details through the Outreachy web site, not the Debian wiki.


Free-RTC mailing list


Pranav Jain