Dear all,

here is an update of our status and our next to dos.


Project Website: FSFE, Dlearn and SKUNI please go in Keybase in the Excel file "Translations Brochure Website Newsletter" and fill in the light-yellow row inside the sheet called “website” with your language by 24.05.19

Timesheets and Certificates of participation – Dublin Meet.: Pending from TUD. ASAP.

Stakeholders Matrix: SKUNI, FSFE, TUD, Dlearn should insert 25 entries in the table (OFE and ATL did already). ASAP.

O2/A1 Training Plan: Update pending from TUD. ASAP.

Feedback to the impact model by 17.05: FSFE and TUD pending. ASAP.


Feedback to the Moodle platform by 17.05: TUD pending. ASAP.

O3/A1 Draft Terms of Reference and Policy Brief:  OFE pending. ASAP.

BY 31.05.19:


Improvements in Moodle course: a common structure and naming (titles and sub-titles) will be secured by ATL according to your feedback after your tests. à reminder for my e-mail from 22.05. notifying you all for the spots that require a final polish. Please complete your updates by 31.05.

O2 - Tools (surveys and a model for collection of case studies) by DLEARN (proposal pages 62-63): By 31.05.

Platfrom Design Plan: Is in Keybase: K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A3 Distance Learning Platform. Feedback until 31.05.19.

Thank you all for your support and for keeping the deadlines!
I am looking forward to your next e-mails with inputs or feedback.
Take care!





Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


