Dear colleagues from Dlearn,

this is a kind reminder that we will need the 1st Quality Report of FOSS4SMEs (Progress analysis and recommendations based on the first two 6-monthly quality checks) by 15.09.18 the latest in order to upload it in the Mobility Tool for the Interim Report of September.

See p.25 of the MCE Plan for infos: "Progress analysis and recommendations: Every 6 months biannual administrative reports will be prepared for the Consortium, where detailed reporting and the progress achieved during project execution will be demonstrated. Every partner should provide the necessary information like: the objectives and the status of each Output or Task, updates on the dissemination & exploitation activities, results of the Project Meetings, updates on the cooperation with other partners and information on the planned and actual person months per Output or Task. The Quality Manager will provide a specific template to the partners in order to fill in the aforementioned information. More information on this can be found in the Quality Plan. "

Thank you in advance for providing our team with this deliverable. Hope to hear soon from you.





Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266



