Dear Francesco,

on your first point:
Please check pages

You will see the issue. Please complete the translations asap.

On your second point:
I am reffering to table "Dissemination events and activities" found under the path K:\team\foss4smes
Please put all missing information in the right place inside the table asap.

We hope to hear from you asap also on the other 5 remaining open issues from Dlearn side. Thank you in advance.


Στις Παρ, 22 Νοε 2019 στις 6:30 μ.μ., ο/η <> έγραψε:

Dear Katerina and all,

Just two quick points from our side:


  • O2/A2, the translation of the questionnaires was done in parallel with the import of the modules. I just checked and I saw that the questions are actually in Italian. What is missing is the option to select Italian as the language of the platform, but this should be done by the platform developer.
  • Dissemination events and activities table: can you please point out to which table are you referring to? There are many and many tables in the dissemination section of keybase and I can’t find the one with that specific name. However, I did include two dissemination events in a form sent by Galia some time before (file “Dissemination events m16-m19_DLEARN” in the “Diss. Events per partner” folder”). Would these work or do you need two additional events?


Thank you,


Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623





Da: Foss4smes-team <> Per conto di Katerina Tsinari
Inviato: giovedì 21 novembre 2019 18:17
A: FOSS4SMEs mailing list <>
Cc: Katerina Elsianli <>; Irini Melissidou <>; Cosmas Vamvalis <>
Oggetto: [FOSS4SMEs-team] FOSS4SMEs: Project status 21.11.19 - FINAL E-MAIL TO ENABLE SUBMISSION - VERY URGENT


Dear all,


even if we have no time left to finalise our tasks, we still need to keep trying to complete all open points asap. I have checked your deliveries and these are the missing to dos:


TUD - Upload your Cert. of Participation in Keybase under K:\team\foss4smes\5. Meetings\4. Brussels\Certificates of Participation

Moodle course – 200 required registrations:  TUD: 15 , FSFE: 1 , OFE: 11 , SKOVDE: 0 , Dlearn: 15 . Please make sure you have 35 registered users in your course. Through analytics we will check how many downloaded the content from the zip folder from our project website.

TUD - O2/A2 Mother tongue videos: still expecting the links for the videos. Each partner will be responsible for updating his course.

DLEARN - O2/A2 Finalise the Italian translations inside Moodle. Questionnaires still in EN.

Multiplier Events:  TUD à Please upload your Presentation in PDF form, the Participants list signed, the evaluation form filled.

Feasibility study - OFE: please send us an update now that SKUNI extracted all results in folder K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A4 Assessment\O2-A4_ALL_PARTNERS_POOLED. Please include a paragraph on this.

TUD - 4th Newsletter send us your draft as it needs to be sent out asap (launch of platform + Brussels event).

All - A8 Publications: Please send to Galia information on articles, press releases, etc. you plan to publish in the future. We need to have sth here.

Dissemination events and activities table: OFE: add two events, FSFE: add one more event, DLEARN: add two events. Please include at least two of your events in this table under the row called “to be Included in Final Diss. Report (04-09.2019)”.


15 SMEs + 1 VET to fill Moodle Course and Limesurvey à TUD, SKUNI, OFE, Dlearn, FSFE: Please make sure you have reached this number.

5 SME case studies under K:\team\foss4smes\1. Management\A5 Quality Plan\Impact tools\CASE STUDIES à TUD, SKUNI, OFE, Dlearn: pending. Please upload information here asap.

1 partner employee fill Limesurvey à TUD, SKUNI, OFE, FSFE: pending

Dlearn - Analysis of Impact – Final Quality Report: Please prepare this chapter with the available data. See my extra e-mail on the answers we need for the Final Report.


Please finalise your todos by Monday 25 as we need to be able to submit by 27.11.








Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266









Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


