Dear all,

I have received an update only from FSFE and SKUNI. A lot of tasks remain incomplete and are due long time ago. I am informing you that we already have a problem to finalise the project in the planned deadlines. I send you attached an updated internal timeline in order to help you realise the work coming towards us in the last 4 months of our project.

Please get back to me if you have any questions or comments regarding this table, which will be discussed in our next telco in 18.06. in order to find solutions and deal with these delays.

Thank you in advance.


Στις Τρί, 4 Ιουν 2019 στις 1:34 μ.μ., ο/η Jonas Gamalielsson <> έγραψε:
Dear Katerina,

On 2019-05-29 10:17, Katerina Tsinari wrote:
> Dear all,
> here is an update of our status and our next to dos.
> *ASAP:*
> *_Project Website:_*FSFE, Dlearn and SKUNI please go in Keybase in the
> Excel file "Translations Brochure Website Newsletter" and fill in the
> light-yellow row inside the sheet called “website” with your language by
> 24.05.19

We have done the Swedish translation for the project website.

> *_Timesheets and Certificates of participation – Dublin
> Meet.:_*__Pending from TUD. ASAP.
> *_Stakeholders Matrix_*: SKUNI, FSFE, TUD, Dlearn should insert 25
> entries in the table (OFE and ATL did already). ASAP.

The learning content for usage scenarios 2 and 3 is still unavailable
for all learning modules and we find that interest from SMEs and other
organisations presupposes learning content. To promote interest (and to
be able to provide contacts for the stakeholders matrix) we stress the
importance of providing content for use under usage scenario 3. With
dissemination of all learning content under usage scenario 3 we are
hopeful that we will be able to provide entries for the stakeholder
matrix later. We now find that usage scenarion 3 is the only remaining
realistic usage scenario that can be used. We hope that usage scenario 2
can be launched to use after the summer break.

Kind regards
Jonas & Björn

> *_O2/A1 Training Plan: U_*pdate pending from TUD. ASAP.*__*
> *_
> _*
> *_Feedback to the impact model by 17.05_**:*FSFE and TUD pending. ASAP.
> *_Feedback to the Moodle platform by 17.05_**: *TUD pending. ASAP.
> *_O3/A1 Draft Terms of Reference and Policy Brief:_*OFE pending. ASAP.
> *
> *
> *BY 31.05.19:*
> *_Improvements in Moodle course: _*a common structure and naming (titles
> and sub-titles) will be secured by ATL according to your feedback after
> your tests. àreminder for my e-mail from 22.05. notifying you all for
> the spots that require a final polish. Please complete your updates by
> 31.05.
> *_O2 - Tools (surveys and a model for collection of case studies) by
> DLEARN_**(*proposal pages 62-63): By 31.05.
> *_
> _*
> *_Platfrom Design Plan_*: Is in Keybase: K:\team\foss4smes\2.
> Implementation\Outputs\Output 2\A3 Distance Learning Platform. Feedback
> until 31.05.19.
> Thank you all for your support and for keeping the deadlines!
> I am looking forward to your next e-mails with inputs or feedback.
> Take care!
> Best,
> Katerina
> --
> atlantis-logo-for-signatures
> *Katerina Tsinari*
> *EU Projects consultant*
> *Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki*
> *T:*
> *2310 233 266*
> *Email:*
> * <>*
> *URL:*
> * <>*
> *Skype:*
> * <>*
> <><><><>
> _______________________________________________
> Foss4smes-team mailing list
> This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All
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Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


