Thank you Francesco, for your input. I think we can adapt the flyer according to your suggestions.

With regard to the date, we aimed at having a decision over a week ago, so at this stage I want to motivate why we prefer to go for flyer F.

Personally, I think the bright and inclusive feeling of flyer F picture is something positive, they look friendly and relaxed, but still fit a professional setting. Specifically to the point that Katerina mentioned - there are two people on it, one man and one woman, which is positive in regard to having diversity represented for a techy topic. There's a computer visible on the picture and the woman is working on it, another positive. I am also suggesting to use the picture from the back of flyer E on the back of final flyer, as it really drives home the collaborative point of view.

Would this be an acceptable solution for everyone? It would be nice if we all used the same version.

I suggest we agree on something latest by Wednesday COB.

Kind regards,

On 22 June 2018 at 19:28, <> wrote:

Hello Sivan,

my slight preference goes to proposal F, but  I would be ok with another version if the majority opts for a different one.

I would only like to remark the two following points:

-          This  may sound like a detail, but it might be not fully correct to say that we are developing a ECVET course, since we would not be allowed to do so (we are not accredited VET institutions). Our output will be a competence profile structured according to the ECVET guidelines, and then the consequent training course. Therefore, I would suggest to change the phrase “ECVET course” with a simple “training course”.

-          Maybe we should add this usual disclaimer together with the Erasmus + flag, as in every project publication:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Thank you for your work on this!




Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623






Da: Foss4smes-team [] Per conto di Sivan Pätsch
Inviato: lunedì 18 giugno 2018 11:22
A: Bjorn Lundell
Oggetto: Re: [FOSS4SMEs-team] Brochure proposals


Hi Björn,


Thanks for your suggestion, you are right, I tried to emphasise the business benefit for SMEs with "profit". No issue changing it to "benefit" from my side, as long as no one else likes something else.


Kind regards,



Sivan Pätsch

Policy Analyst

OpenForum Europe

tel +32 (0) 2 486 4151

mob +49 (0) 171 282 7689

Follow us on Twitter @OpenForumEurope
OFE Limited, a private company with liability limited by guarantee
Registered in England and Wales with number 05493935
Registered office: Claremont House, 1 Blunt Road, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 7PA, UK

On Jun 18 2018, at 11:10 am, Bjorn Lundell <> wrote:


Hi Sivan and all,


We find that it looks very good.


However, we have one minor comment concerning the text. Instead using

"profit" in the first sentence:


"FOSS4SMEs will develop an ECVET training course on how SMEs can profit

from using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). ..."


...we instead suggest:


"FOSS4SMEs will develop an ECVET training course on how SMEs can benefit

from using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). ..."


By using "profit", there is a risk that people think of 'cost-saving'

which (more than 10 years ago) used to be a driver for FOSS. Today, it

is much more diverse and we would prefer to amplifying "profit" (i.e.

short term financial benefits) in a short overview.


Kind regards,



On 2018-06-18 10:45, Sivan Pätsch wrote:

Hi Katerina,


I'm glad to hear you and Ifigeneias comments. We now finalised proposal F (attached) for our event, as I said on the call, we needed remarks by Friday COB. We also shortened the text a bit to make it fit onto the flyer.

As you prefer proposal E, I think we can provide a final version of that (with your contact details), so that you can use that proposal still. If you'd like to change the picture, we are also happy to produce a version with a new picture if you send us one that you like.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Kind regards,



Sivan Pätsch

Policy Analyst

OpenForum Europe

tel +32 (0) 2 486 4151

mob +49 (0) 171 282 7689

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OFE Limited, a private company with liability limited by guarantee

Registered in England and Wales with number 05493935

On Jun 18 2018, at 10:27 am, Katerina Tsinari<> wrote:


Dear Sivan,


thank you for your new proposals for our Project brochure. The comments of Ifigeneia and me are:

- we would prefer not to have the back sides of people (proposal C and D), but their happy faces instead.

- we would avoid so bright colours like in proposal F.

- We like proposal E, because the people seem like IT experts. We would prefer to have also an IT girl in the picture, respecting the gender issue, if its possible. But its no big deal, we can leave it also like that.


We are looking forward to your final edition. Thank you in advance.





On 15 June 2018 at 13:14, Sivan Pätsch< (> wrote:

Hi all,


The proposals for review now.

Kind regards,



Sivan Pätsch

Policy Analyst

OpenForum Europe


tel +32 (0) 2 486 4151

mob +49 (0) 171 282 7689

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Sivan Pätsch
Digital Policy Analyst
OpenForum Europe
tel +32 (0) 2 486 4151
mob +49 (0) 171 282 7689
Follow us on Twitter @OpenForumEurope
OFE Limited, a private company with liability limited by guarantee
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