Dear Katerina and Ifigenia,

thank you a lot for you precious feedback and all the suggestions provided.

We have tried to follow most of them. Anyway, there are still a few points that we believe shall be clarified and/or discussed with all the other partners.

Please find our answers to some of your points in red below, and in attachment the updated document.


Best regards,



Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623






Da: Katerina Tsinari []
Inviato: venerdì 6 luglio 2018 14:11
A: Francesco Agresta
Cc: Cosmas Vamvalis; FOSS4SMEs mailing list
Oggetto: Re: [FOSS4SMEs-team] FOSS4SMEs - IO1/A2 FOSS BU Competence Profile


Dear Francesco,


thank you very much for your valuable contribution and for preparing ontime our deliverable for O1/A2. These are our thoughts and suggestions after our quick proof-reading. Feel free to consider them or not.



- We would suggest the following Chapters as a structure for your table of Contents: 1. The Competence Profile, 2. The Training Curriculum, 3. The Assessment Procedure, 4. MoU and L.A. Concerning the Project Abstract you prepared in the beginning, we would leave it there, as it ιs a very nice introduction for the reader.


- Concerning the 1st Chapter (The Competence Profile): The Profile is based on the ECVET guidelines, which is for our understanding a big part of the methodology we used to develop the Competence Profile. As a result, we would place Chapter 2 of your document ("Principles of ECVET") as a sub-chapter here explaining in little detail why and how ECVET helped us create this Competence Profile.


- Concerning the 2nd Chapter (The Training Curriculum): We would add an introduction explaining the process which led to the development of the Training Curriculum. We would elaborate on the 5 steps (see proposal): a. What are the results of the review of existing qualification curricula; b. which are the main competence units identified by the team and agreed during the Berlin meeting; c. Which are the rules the team followed for the common writing of the ECVET units (we suggest that you can take this from the guidelines you prepared for us during the development phase); d. What are the MoU and the LA and why they belong to this curriculum (You can mention that they will follow in Chapter 4) and e. Describe a method of credit point allocation as promised in the proposal. Last but not least, we would place your chapter "3 FOSS buSINESS USER – COMPETENCE PROFILE" here, since the big table created and filled out is actually our produced curriculum. We can include it in a Chapter called The Training Curriculum, to make it clear for the reader, who would expect to find it here.


-          The process which led to the development of the Training Curriculum is already explained in section 1.2 “Methodology”, where we summarise all the work carried out during IO1/A1.

-          The results of the review of existing curricula will be available in the Country and Synthesis report. The main competencies units identified by the team are the ones which form the profile’s units.

-          I’m not really sure about what do you mean by the “rules which the team followed for the common writing of the ECVET units”. Do you mean our division of the work in accordance with the partners’ relative experience? Is it  really relevant and/or interesting for the reader?

-          MoU and LA have been treated in chapter 4 (as you suggested) and they are already  mentioned in 2.2 “Key ECVET terminology”.


In general, we think that we should be careful in understanding the limits and the areas of relevance of each deliverable, so to avoid overlapping and redundancy. This IO1/A2 is supposed to present the competence profile of the FOSS BU and only the process to it related. Every aspect and detail dealing with the implementation of the course is to be treated in IO2. As you already highlighted, the curriculum is the actual and expected product of this phase; then, we believe we should not overload it with contents that can (or will) be found in other deliverables, keeping an eye on the document’s readability.

We have already developed a long document (almost 50 pages) – would it be really useful and relevant to extend and complicate it more?

- Concerning the 3rd Chapter (The Assessment Procedure): We would explain in an introductory part the meanings of "recognition", "assessment", "transfer", "validation" and "accumulation" and how our team adresses these issues in this project and with this deliverable.
Furthermore, we would add in the end of the Chapter sth on the consequences of each assessment taking place, for example that credit points are going to be given in form of % and how they will be recorded in a learner's transcript of record. In addition, we would explain under which circumstances a certificate is goig to be released. The type of scoring that is going to be used in the course should also be explained here. Moreover, we would mention sth about providing feedback to the training participant, for example after completing an online assessment exercise. Possible grades of each module/lesson can be indicated in the training plan, as correctly mentioned by you in p.12.


The meaning of "recognition", "assessment", "transfer", "validation" and "accumulation" have been already explained in section 2.2 “Key ECVET terminology”.

As already stated above, we believe that everything concerning the implementation of the course shall be treated in IO2.

Moreover, at the end of your email you say that - Concerning your Chapter "1.5 The Assessment Procedure": We would add here that the Assessment criteria for each Unit will be developed during Output 2 and will be included in the Training Plan, that is going to be developed by DIT.

Then, it may seem contradictory to claim that the assessment criteria will be developed during IO2 and then dedicate a whole chapter to them.



- Regarding the 4th Chapter (MoU and L.A.): we think, we can have an introductory text in this chapter explaing the use of these documents and making reference to the Annex where they are placed. The actual documents can remain as you have them in the end of your document. DONE


- We would change the footer of the document to: "The FOSS-BU Competence Profile".  DONE


- Although we would be afraid to state that our course is developed on the basis of EQF level 5, we suggest that we also add in page 7 ( where this appears for the first time ) an explanation why this is the right level for the course we are developing. DONE


- Regarding your Chapter "1.3 The competences of the FOSS Business User": You have included already the preliminary assumptions as written in the proposal. We would now elaborate further on the competences of the FOSS-BU based on our table of the leanring outcomes (See General Learning Outcomes of each Unit). We would group these in 5 categories of main competences following the structure of the 5 units of l.o we have. As a result, we could have a clarifying summary of the main competences, that a potential training participant can acquire by attending our course. DONE


- Concerning your Chapter "1.4  The FOSS4SMEs training course": We would elaborate on the type of the course we are going to develop (it is a Continuing Development Course) and on the context (that we are in a non-formal context).


Ok for the non-formal context (added), but I’m not really sure about what do you mean with the definition of Continuing Development Course, as I couldn’t find it in the proposal. Can you please clarify?

- Concerning your Chapter "1.5 The Assessment Procedure": We would add here that the Assessment criteria for each Unit will be developed during Output 2 and will be included in the Training Plan, that is going to be developed by DIT.

Already answered above.


- Attached we are sending some minor suggestions inside your document using the track change mode of Word. We are sorry that not everything is inside the text, but we had some issues with the computer and the new MS Office.

DONE. Thank you for spotting the adjustments required.



We are looking forward to your updated version. This is going to be the first really practical and inspiring deliverable of our project.


We thank you in advance for your big effort.



Ifigeneia and Katerina



2018-06-29 16:04 GMT+03:00 <>:

Dear partners,

this is to inform you that I have just uploaded the IO1/A2 FOSS BU Competence Profile in the our shared keybase folder.

You can find it under implementation -> Output 1 -> A2 -> FOSS4SMEs_ECVET FOSS BU profile.

Thank you everyone for your valuable contributions and input to this activity!

We have tried to do our best to put everything together and create a consistent competence profile, adjusting the contents you provided in order to make them look uniform.

To this respect, I kindly ask everyone to read the document and give feedback where needed. You will find also a few explanatory comments at the side of the text.


The last two Annexes are the standard templates for the Memorandum of  Understanding and the Learning Agreement.
The MoU will be signed by each partner as soon as the actual training will be finalized, while the second one will just serve as a form to be used in case of mobility (we don’t have to fill it out because we are not actually providing any mobility).


Please provide your feedback on the profile by the next Friday 6th July, so we can finalise this deliverable in due time.


Wish you all a very nice and relaxing weekend!





Descrizione: Descrizione: dlearn


Francesco Agresta


European Project Manager

European Digital Learning Network

Via Domenico Scarlatti, 30

20124 Milano

Mob.  +39 3496027623





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Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266



