Dear all,

thank you for your collaboration and for getting back to me individually on most of the points. I want to infrom you now on where we stand and what our next steps should be.


  • Final Multiplier event suggestion: None of you showed interest in participating in the “GNOME conference” in Thessaloniki. This means that the event remains to be held in Brussels organised by OFE.
  • Multiplier events with budget cuts: The NA informed us that SE and DE should organise an event too, although no money is being provided. The NA suggested budget allocation in order this task is also fulfilled. @SKUNI and FSFE: Multiplier events are planned for 04.19 so please keep this in mind. @Max: Can you please update the Diss. Plan accordingly?
  • Stakeholders Matrix: Max and Galia will get back to us with tips.
  • A8 - Publication of articles: @Max: What have we promised in the proposal? I received no answer here, so it seems that no one of us has published sth relevant. Please coordinate this task when possible.
  • Twitter account: Galia has prepared sth like a short guideline and will present this during our next telco.
  • NA asked for a Facebook and a LinkedIn project page: ATL has created the pages. Please visit and disseminate them accordingly  and
  • “Dissemination to-dos” for each partner as a 1-pager: Max and Galia are preparing this for us.
  • @Max: My IT colleague could not find the translation of the German Newsletter in our page here  . Can you tell us when its ready?
  • Keybase folder with information on the events per partner: Galia will get back to us on this matter.

Output 2

  • Uploading of developed units: Unit 1, half 2 and 4 were uploaded on time. Brian (Unit 3) and Francesco (half Unit 2) are almost finished as well. Max (unit 5) needed some more work to fit nicely on the prior units and will be finished asap.
  • Review the 5 Units for both “language check” and “content check": A first review was conducted by SKUNI for all available units - find the comments in the Keybase folder. Skovde will not be able to review any extra unit in the coming days due to other obligations. DIT also got back to me and will review the units as well.
  • @ FSFE and OFE: You are our main Peer Reviewer in this Output. We will need your input as soon as all Units are updated by the partners after the feedback from SKUNI and DIT - I will let you know then.
  • @ SKUNI: O2/A4 starts in 01.02. A methodological framework with tools for assessment and all steps and deadlines should be developed by you. Could you please prepare a presentation for this for the Dublin Meeting? We will then have a chance to discuss the process live altogether. Please send the presentation to me before the meeting (by beginning of January) in a PowerPoint-alternative file, so that I can prepare myself accordingly.
  • @ Brian: I have sent you an e-mail concerning the videos in our moodle course. Please get back to me when possible.
@all: The NA has contacted us and wants access to our Keybase folder. We will have problems if they have access to all of these files, like f.e. our minutes. Please send me your suggested solution in your next reply.

Next steps
  • Update of our units according to feedback received: The initial deadline is 14th of December. Please upload your updated versions with the ending xxxx.v2. If you have difficulties to meet any deadlines, inform me and Brian asap.
  • Translations: By the end of December/beginning of January all training content should be ready in 5 languages. As soon as our updated versions are available, we are able to start with this next task. Remember to find translators and check your budget ahead.
Thank you all in advance.


Στις Δευ, 26 Νοε 2018 στις 4:38 μ.μ., ο/η Katerina Tsinari <> έγραψε:
Dear all,

you have asked me to make our communication more qualitative and you preferred not to have an extra telco in the end of November. We also agreed that our telcos don't offer us enough time to discuss everything and that I should try to solve most of the things before our telcos via e-mails. As a result, I tried today to gather all the important information in this single huge e-mail for you. I am sorry that its a long text, but lets see if you like this way better and if we can indeed avoid more telcos. 

In order not to spam each other, please try to send me your answers in one singe e-mail. If sth is relevant only to me, then don't put the team in Copy. Thank you for your support - I hope this way works better for you.

Interim Report Files

-        You will find the submitted files in the folder: K:\team\foss4smes\4. Interim Report\Final files in full quality

-        This week I will put older files of Interim Report-deliverables in new folders called “old”. The new files will stay outside of this folder and will be the ones to use from now on.

Next telco

-        In Monday the 17th of December we meet online for the last time before Christmas and before we meet live in Dublin. I think we should discuss anyone’s questions concerning the meeting, the possible agenda, the dinner orga, the video-shooting orga, the presentations to be held etc. If you want to add sth to our agenda, please send me an e-mail by the 14.12.

-        @Brians: Could you please send me a first “Draft Agenda of the Dublin-Meeting” before our telco? If I have it by Thursday of the 13th, it will help me check it and contribute myself. Since there is no share-screen function in Framatalk, I will then circulate it to everyone along with the meeting link.



-        Diss. Activity suggestion: I have held a webinar in the 15.11. in the Greek language within the European Vocational Skills Week. Such an action can count as a Diss. Activity. You could do it easily yourselves for your target groups. I have used the “GotoWebinar” application. Just wanted to let you know that this easy way exists.

-        Final Multiplier event suggestion: ATL suggests that we participate in the “GNOME conference” happening in the end of August of 2019 in Thessaloniki (instead of Brussels), which brings together Free Software enthusiasts and professionals from all over the world for six days of talks, demos, discussion, parties, games and more. We know one Greek organiser and will soon learn more about it. We could present our project and reach a big audience. Please let me know, what do you think of this idea. Would you be interested in joining us in Thessaloniki? We would then check with the NA what is possible financially. More information on the event at:

-        Stakeholders Matrix: We need to reach min. 500 contacts. Please fill in your cir. 90 contacts here K:\team\foss4smes\1. Management\Dissemination

-        Please contact both Max and Galia concerning dissemination issues. They coordinate internally who leads a specific activity depending on availability and the nature of the task.

-        Twitter account: Every partner could/should post sth in his native language. Please remember to visit our page (we need good numbers in reporting) frequently, like our posts and retweet them if possible.

-        Goal of 2,000 visitors of the website: Please visit our project page regularly and disseminate it. We need to report high numbers.

-        Website: It has been now updated and created in all languages. Please check and review your language versions here:

-        If you want us to change or improve sth, then update your older suggestions or add new ones here (and then send me an e-mail letting me know):

-        Goal of 1,800 brochures distributed: Please print your versions and have them ready for distribution on any occasion. I counted that we need around 300 flyers distributed per partner. Remember to make photos when giving flyers away to use them as proof.

-        A8 - Publication of articles: @Max: What have we promised in the proposal? @All: Has anyone published anything relevant we could use here and show to the NA? Who can publish in the future? What are our possibilities? ATL could publish an online article in the magazine of, which is the Greek Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS)

-        NA asked for a Facebook and a LinkedIn project page: @Max: Could you please create the two pages and give us all the credentials? The NA believes that we are not fulfilling our dissemination goals by using only Twitter.

-        @Max: Is it possible to create a checklist with all the “Dissemination to-dos” each partner should fulfil taking into account the relevant indicators we need to reach? The Diss. Plan is good, but we need a 1-pager with compressed and concentrated information for everyone. This will help us avoid issues, like f.e. not having done enough events or f.e. not having distributed enough brochures, not having enough pictures etc. With this tool you will also be able to monitor, if you have all data you need for the M18 Progress Report.

-        @Max: In our project the Dissemination Manager is a person and not an organisation. This is why I have asked you, if you or Galia will be our Diss. Manager from now on. Your name remains then in the MCE Plan, but we now know that you both have equal responsibilities /both of you should be contacted etc.

-        @Max: If its possible, please prepare a checklist with all of the Dissemination tasks and reports FSFE will need to fulfil by the end of the project, in order to avoid lack of task-fulfilment like f.e. with the Progress Report.

-        @Max: Remember to upload the translation of the German Newsletter by 30.11.18. Our IT colleague will then insert it in the German version of our page.


Output 2/ A1

-        Please upload your developed unit with images and assessment exercises by 30.11.18 in the folder “K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Output 2\A1 Training course contents” and send it to the group also per e-mail.

-        If someone has difficulties with finding relevant content or other kinds of difficulties, please inform the team on time, so that we act quickly and you get helped.

-        @Brians: Is it possible that you send us by Wednesday this e-mail we ‘ve talked about in our telco 2 weeks ago on the “content development” (Max asked for help)? Unfortunately, we still haven’t created the FAQ document inside the O2 guidelines that would help partners find answers.

-        @Brians: Will you send us information from your Blended Learning project – is there a link? Maybe we find sth useful, some ideas?

-        @Brians: Will you be able to review the 5 Units for both “language check” and “content check”? Can you have them ready by 07.12.?

-        @SKUNI: I remember that you offered to help us with your expertise and make a content check of the 5 units as well. Would you like to coordinate this with DIT? It should happen within the first week of December.

-        @ FSFE and OFE: You are actually responsible for the main Peer Review in this Output. Will you be able to contribute as well? If yes, we will need your input by the 7th of Dec.

-        All suggestions and the Peer Review, either with track changes in the documents or as extra documents should be placed in the folder: K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Output 2\A1 Training course contents\Peer Review


Output 2/ A2

-        Translations: By the end of December all training content should be ready in 5 languages. Please find translators (make a public procurement if required timely) and check available budget (you get only 75% of the requested amount). Contact our financial department if you need help soon enough. ATL will translate on its own.


Transnational Meeting Dublin

-        O2/A4 starts in 01.02. A methodological framework with tools for assessment and all steps and deadlines should be developed by SKUNI. Could you please prepare a presentation for this for the Dublin Meeting? We will then have a chance to discuss the process live altogether. Please send the presentation to me before the meeting (by beginning of January) in a PowerPoint-alternative file, so that I can prepare myself accordingly.


Rest of points to consider

-        The NA has contacted us and wants access to our Keybase folder. We will have problems if they have access to all of these files, like f.e. our minutes. Please send me your suggested solution by 30.11.18.





Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266








Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


2310 233 266


