Hi everyone,

Thank you, Max, for providing this great document. We are very much in favour and also regard CC BY SA as a good choice for our outputs.

I have made a few smaller suggestions to the document in track changes.

Kind regards,

Sivan Pätsch
Digital Policy Adviser
OpenForum Europe
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On Wed, 11 Jul, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Katerina Tsinari <tsinari@abe.gr> wrote:
Dear Max,

thank you very much for providing us with a first draft on our "Intellectual Property Rights Agreement". I think, this doesnt have to be necessarily part of the "Sustainability/ Exploitation Plan" A13, but I like your idea of placing it as a chapter in this bigger deliverable we need to produce anyway. I liked your text and agree with all your choices. Everything seems very llogical to me.

I have included some comments using the track changes function of Word. They are basicly naive questions on terms/names I didnt know (not familier with this topic yet) and assume that another reader might similarly fall onto as well.

Concerning the "Exploitation Plan" that you will prepare for us, it will be nice to make a reference to this page of the Commission https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/programme-guide/part-c/important-contractual-provisions/open-access-requirement_en
to show to the NA that we are aware of the fact that the Erasmus+ programme promotes the open access to materials, documents and media that are useful for learning, teaching, training, youth work and are produced by projects funded by the programme AND that we know that it is indeed a requirement for any funded project to make project outputs available for the public in digital form, freely accessible through the Internet under open licences.

Finally, if its possible, please remember the next time you update the document, to format all paragraphs using the "total alignment" function.

I am looking forward to the comments of the rest of the team and our deeper discussions on this issue in our telco of August, where we will all know more about the course we will be developing etc.

Thank you in advance for continuing the hard work on this.

Hear you on Monday!


2018-07-04 17:03 GMT+03:00 Max Mehl <max.mehl@fsfe.org>:
Dear partners,

As agreed I've compiled a strategy to enable us to release the material
we create to the public in order to make it reusable and improvable for
others. Please see the first version attached and provide your feedback
until the end of July.

Short summary: I propose using CC BY-SA 4.0 by default which allows
others to use and reuse the material if they give credit to us (the
project) and keep the licensing terms equal. Alternatively, for some
edge cases, we can also allow CC0, e.g. for small graphics.

You can find the document attached and in keybase.


Max Mehl - Program Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
Contact & information: https://fsfe.org/about/mehl | @mxmehl
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Katerina Tsinari

EU Projects consultant

Αntoni Tritsi 21, 570 01 Thessaloniki


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