Hi all,

while I was looking for an event for OFE to use as an dissemination event, I found this neat overview of SME events in Europe in the next two months, compiled by the Commission SME week - maybe there is an event or two in there that is relevant and in your area :)

(end of the page)
Kind regards,

Sivan Pätsch
Policy Analyst
OpenForum Europe
tel +32 (0) 2 486 4151
mob +49 (0) 171 282 7689
web http://www.openforumeurope.org
Follow us on Twitter @OpenForumEurope
OFE Limited, a private company with liability limited by guarantee
Registered in England and Wales with number 05493935
Registered office: Claremont House, 1 Blunt Road, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 7PA, UK
On Jun 11 2018, at 12:33 pm, Katerina Tsinari <tsinari@abe.gr> wrote:

Dear all,

this is a small update, before we hear each other in our planned telco this Friday.

1. Thank you for updating the Berlin meeting minutes, especially big thanks to Sivan (!). The final version is now uploaded in Keybase.

2. Dear Bjorn and Jonas, we urgently need a small paragraph from you for our 1st Newsletter (A11) ASAP. Check here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U_pQ6H5vCYsAF7Ge4WWo9zB1m_XDld2vgsy9p4d81lI/edit

3. Thank you all for your "style" feedback on the Project Website. Special thanks to OFE for providing feedback also on the "text" inside the second document. I will check your feedback and coordinate the updates in the coming days/weeks. You can find your comments also here: K:\team\foss4smes\2. Implementation\Project Website
Dear Max, we need one link from you - it wasnt inserted in the text for some reason. Take a quick look here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BNsJZFTZLtp6QrfPSb3ejNSHR8SymntrOBQu0hdH1X4/edit

4. Concerning the dissemination events, please try to add some info here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vgjD1UuzFo_sE-LAogX8lnk1g4pFC-AOo1NTQ4asl-U/edit#gid=0
This is extremely important for the NA. Our goal is to present at least 4 diss. events per year. If you have anything planned for the coming months please insert it, so that we can have an idea of our status.

5. Concerning the Financial information and the timesheets, please remember to send me per e-mail the first 2 quarters (Oct-Mar) the latest by the end of this week. Guidelines are here: K:\team\foss4smes\1. Management\Financial Information and Timesheets  They dont need to be singed - just your drafts for a first check. Thanks!

Listen to you on Friday, the 15th of June!


On 5 June 2018 at 18:54, Sivan Pätsch <sivan@openforumeurope.org> wrote:
Dear Katerina,

I was not on the mailing list before yesterday and because of that was a little out of the loop, apologies for possibly missing a few points before, so here is a summary of the completed actions, please point out if I have missed anything.

  • OFE now has its paragraphs for the newsletter.
  • I have saved a few pictures I made at the Berlin meeting on the keybase, they maybe can be used to provide some "Berlin flair".
  • I have added my notes for the Berlin meeting minutes, especially in regard to the Team 2 activities on day 2. I also made a number of formatting suggested.
  • The OFE contact details are now updated.
  • We will provide the time sheets for the first two quarters by the end of next week
  • For the website, I've added some style feedback to the doc. For the text I added ideas for discussion how the text could look based on the others feedback and our own ideas in the spreadsheet. I've marked all text suggestions in the doc that have been adapted in the spreadsheet green, so they're easy to identify.

If you want to discuss any of the suggestions or if there is anything that I should be aware of just sent me a message or we can also discuss via the OFE video chat (appear.in/ofe).

Kind regards,

Sivan Pätsch
Policy Analyst
OpenForum Europe
tel +32 (0) 2 486 4151
mob +49 (0) 171 282 7689
Follow us on Twitter @OpenForumEurope
OFE Limited, a private company with liability limited by guarantee
Registered in England and Wales with number 05493935
Registered office: Claremont House, 1 Blunt Road, South Croydon, Surrey CR2 7PA, UK
On Jun 5 2018, at 12:13 pm, Katerina Tsinari <tsinari@abe.gr> wrote:

Dear all,

I am trying to finalise the Minutes of the Berlin meeting. In our last telco I have asked you to visit this link and add your comments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14VVoqGEMfWJ9xPsnzFRDEQuF0rvPUR-d3HOaG8ltr80/edit
Francesco has uploaded his files in Keybase and has also made some comments in the file. Now that I updated the document, I am asking the rest of the team once again to take some time and complete the missing parts, especially for point 10, which is about the discussion of the second team. Dear Sivan, you said you have taken some notes yourself. Please suggest your valuable additions as well. Dear all, please do this by the end of this week.

Concerning the Financial information and the timesheets, please remember to send me per e-mail the first 2 quarters (Oct-Mar) the latest by the end of next week.

Concerning the small paragraph for the 1st Newsletter (A11), I still need some text from SKUNI. Then we can publish it.

Concerning the feedback on the Project Website, I still need some feedback from OFE. Then I will work on this with our Marketing and IT Department and will let you know as soon as we have done the necessary updates.

Concerning the dissemination events you participate, please remember to add them in the table under: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vgjD1UuzFo_sE-LAogX8lnk1g4pFC-AOo1NTQ4asl-U/edit#gid=0
This is extremely important for the NA. Our goal is to present at least 4 diss. events per year.

We will listen to each other the latest in the telco of the 15th of June.

Thank you all in advance for your hard work!

Greetings from sunny Thessaloniki!


On 4 June 2018 at 09:17, Katerina Tsinari <tsinari@abe.gr> wrote:
Hi Max,

its fine with me. I agree with you and Francesco that its the same. Lets do the spreadsheet option.
Take your time and let me/us know, when you have the 2nd version of the main Plan as well as the spreadsheet ready.


On 1 June 2018 at 11:44, Max Mehl <max.mehl@fsfe.org> wrote:
Hi Francesco et al,

Thanks for identifying your positions on this issue everyone, very

# francesco.agresta@dlearn.eu [2018-05-31 18:32 +0200]:
> The last word on this issue however belongs to Max, as Dissemination
> leader. Whatever solution we opt for, I think we should come out with
> something useful for ourselves that may turn at our advantage.

I absolutely agree. I wouldn't want you to spend your valuable time on
writing tons of text while we should already focus on real work. On the
other hand I understand Katerina's concerns regarding the need to fulfil
what we promised to do in the proposal.

For my job, it actually doesn't really matter I think. I would only need
following information from all partners:

- How would the Dissemination Events look like, for which audience, how
  many would you reach, and how would it fit into the project?
- Same for the Multiplier Event.
- Which channels apart from the whole project's ones will you
  disseminate the project through? Which audiences would you reach?
- How can and will you contribute to the project's overall
  dissemination, do you have any extras we can benefit from?

This can either be in a 2-pager or in a spreadsheet. Probably the latter
is more motivating for you, and it makes recurring updates easier. Would
agree? What do others think?


Max Mehl - Program Manager - Free Software Foundation Europe
Contact & information: https://fsfe.org/about/mehl | @mxmehl
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