= FSFE Text Release Standard Operations Procedures (SOP) = == preliminary work == - Create Account: Please ask on pr@fsfeurope.org for a user account for our Press relation roundup. - Test to login on https://roundup.fsfeurope.org/pr == What to write == When someone has an idea, or when we receive a request to come up with a text, such as a press release, an open letter, a comment or such, a new issue should be created. [Issues -> Create New] Enter at least the following values: - Title: Good title for the PR - Priority - Due Date - Needs Auth: Enter authorisation you think it needs In the change not you should -- at minimum -- add the following information: - WHAT should be written? - WHERE should it be published? - AUDIENCE of the release? - STRATEGY for the release? == Decision: Should it be written == With that information it should be decided whether it should be written or whether writing it is not possible at the moment and should either be dropped or postponed. If the decision is to write the release, someone needs to take responsibility for the release and its release process. The issue is than assigned to that person in "Assigned to" and the status set to "drafting". == Finalization: Confirm & Approve == Once the coordinator feels the release is getting to the point of completion or the time is getting short, the text needs to be approved. He sets the issue to "needs-auth". == Translation: Create & Approve == In case of releases written in ENGLISH, they are then posted to for translation. The subject of the email should always contain title and time until release. Please make sure that the TITLE of the release is also contained in the BODY of the mail so translators don't accidentally forget translating it. Preferred format for the subject line is [to release ] It is generally useful to let others know when you start on a translation to avoid double work. Translations are again sent to for further refinement and proof-reading. The default setting is that translations of already approved releases do not require individual authorization. Individual approval of translations can be requested by any member of the teams at any time during the process until 24hrs before the estimated release date. Should individual approval have been called for, translations will need approval by a member of the extended executive committee of the appropriate Chapter -- OR -- the European extended executive committee. Approval by the Chapters is preferred, in both cases a third person can be appointed to give approval. == Publication: Web & mail == You have to do the following things to sent out a press release: - Inform important journalists with a ahead notice. - Publish the news on the website. Therefor you need an account for our web CVS. Information on that are on . In the repository there is the directory "news/". Just go into "news/YEAR". Copy the latest news entry to your new one, e.g.: cp news-20090921-01.en.xhtml news-YYYYMMDD-??.en.xhtml (?? is the number of the press release for this day in case we have more than one). Edit newsdate, title and

, and add the content. The "best" paragraph should be in a

enviroment. It will be the paragraph which is visible on the front page. Check the file with xmllint news-YYYYMMDD-??.en.xhtml. If there are no errors, commit the file with "cvs ci news-YYYYMMDD-??.en.xhtml". After about 20 minutes you will see the article under http://www.fsf.eorg/news/YYYY/news-YYYYMMDD-??.en.xhtml. If you need any help, you can conact web@fsfeurope.org - Publish the news via our press release lists. - From: Free Software Foundation Europe or for regional ones. - Lists for diffusion are: announce@fsfeurope.org & discussion@fsfeurope.org for organizational and community announcements press-release@fsfeurope.org for English press releases press-release-@fsfeurope.org where is one of it, de, fr, se for press releases in the different languages. - Subject: Title of the press release - Content: Line break should be at 72 characters. Normal text not indented. Bullet points with "-". First title between "= Title =". Other headlines between "== Subtitle ==". Add permanent URL. Identation for other parts two blanks. - Boiler plate: The up to date boilerplat is on http://www.fsfe.org/contribute/translators/wordlist.en.html - When you have sent this off, you have to login on the administrative interface of the mailman list and approve this e-mail manualy. This way we make sure, that no spam is sent to our press release lists. --- Example ----------- = Microsoft antitrust case: FSFE offers analysis to European Commission = [Permanent URL: http://www.fsfe.org/news/2009/news-20091006-01.en.html] 6 October 2009, 12:15 pm, Berlin, Germany The European Commission is on the verge of settling two antitrust cases against Microsoft. The details of this settlement will determine how much competition there can be in Europe's software market for years to come. The Free Software Foundation Europe has analysed the most important elements that a settlement should contain to allow real competition in the European software market. It has summarised those key points in a letter sent to Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes: [...] == About the Free Software Foundation Europe == The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is a non-profit non-governmental organisation active in many European countries and involved in many global activities. Access to software determines participation in a digital society. To secure equal participation in the information age, as well as freedom of competition, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) pursues and is dedicated to the furthering of Free Software, defined by the freedoms to use, study, modify and copy. Founded in 2001, creating awareness for these issues, securing Free Software politically and legally, and giving people Freedom by supporting development of Free Software are central issues of the FSFE. http://fsfe.org == Contact == Karsten Gerloff President Free Software Foundation Europe e-mail: press at fsfeurope.org mobile: +49-176-96904298 -------------- == Distribution == After this the coordinator should: - check that the text appears on the web page in all languages, is linked to in the right places and looks good. - has really gone through the mailing lists and appears in their automatic archives. - call journalists - distribute the message through blogging and microblogging. And than set the status to "done-published".