
ei ole kyllä osunut korviini mitään aiheesta - mutta voin koittaa udella hieman 

t. ILe

2013/6/24 Otto Kekäläinen <>
Moro Ilkka,

Onko sulla mitään tietoa Karstenin kirjoittamasta aiheesta?
Mulla ei ainakaan.

2013/6/21 Karsten Gerloff <>:
> Hey Otto, Martin,
> I just heard that something interesting is going on in Finland's
> parliament. It's a little complicated, but please bear with me for
> a moment.
> The European Commission is using a system called E-PRIOR to
> internally manage all their documents related to procurement. They
> have made this tool available under EUPL on JoinUp. The Belgian
> federal government has started using this tool as well. [1]
> Now it appears that the Finnish government (or at least someone in
> the government) is also considering to use E-PRIOR to replace
> their current proprietary system.
> I hear that someone in Finland's parliament is asking
> questions about this, alleging that the use of Free Software is
> unfair competition.
> If those questions have already been asked, it would be good if we
> at FSFE would help the government in formulating a response.
> Recently in Switzerland, there was a lawsuit along similar lines,
> with a vendor suing to stop a public body from using a Free
> Software system. [2]
> Do you know anything about this? Can you find out?
> I'll be happy to do the work on substance, but my Finnish is still
> rather weak.
> Thanks & best,
> Karsten
> [1] As a detail: Rather than setting up E-PRIOR on their own
> servers, the Belgians use it on the Commission's servers. So the
> EC is basically running a cloud service for the Belgian
> government.
> [2] It so happened that that public body was a court, and that the
> vendor's suit was handled by the same court. The vendor lost. The
> program in question was called OpenJustitia.
> --
> Karsten Gerloff                      [ ]   <>
> Free Software Foundation Europe   [ ][ ][ ]      []
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> Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. is a German Verein registered
> at the Registergericht Hamburg (VR 17030).

Otto Kekäläinen                   []
Finnish Team Coordinator        [][][]
Free Software Foundation Europe   ||      +358 44 566 2204
Support FSFE!

best regards

Ilkka Lehtinen
Managing Director
COSS ry - The Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions
Visiting address: c/o Hermia Oy, Hermiankatu 1 FI-33720 Tampere, FINLAND
email: GSM +358 40 8204600