The WE
Campaign of We, The World

WE - A global  campaign of We, The World to unite and amplify the efforts
of people, organizations and movements working for the common good

We, The World and the WE Campaign could use your support now!

The mission of We, The World is to maximize social change globally - until we have a world that works for all.

Are you frustrated that even in the wealthiest country, the United States, 1 out of 5 children goes to sleep hungry? Air pollution kills 65,000 people every year. And globally, every single minute the world spends about $2 million on militarism, weapons and war, while 15 children die every minute of hunger and preventable disease.

Are you concerned that core interrelated challenges facing humanity are continuing with little or no reduction? We're talking about poverty, rising inequality, militarism, war, environmental pollution, the mass extinction of species, climate change, and so on.

Many people think these are intractable and impossible to change, or they can't wrap their heads around the complexity of making significant change. At We, The World we think of it as a problem to solve - maybe the Ultimate Problem to solve. And we actually have a comprehensive Strategic Plan to solve it

About WE

WE unites and amplifies the efforts of people, organizations and movements working for the common good.

WE is a Consciousness, a Collaboration and a Campaign:
To fully implement all of the above, we are seeking modest infrastructure investment. If everyone who receives this email were to contribute $25 now to the WE Campaign, within 2 years we will have started the kind of unified proactive mass movement needed for fundamental change.

In order to help us launch our new WE Strategy and Platform for unprecedented cooperation and coordination of transformative grassroots movements we are requesting your support now! You can make a secure online donation by going to or if you would prefer, you can send a check payable to We, The World in U.S. currency to this address:

We, The World
P.O. Box 750651
Forest Hills, NY 11375-0651

If you would like to become a Major Sponsor please contact us! Our goal is to raise at least $50,000 for the start of 2015.

Our Advisory Board Member and 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Jonathan Granoff says: "I hope WE expands so much there is no longer any THEM!"

Thank you for your generous support to make that a reality!

Rick Ulfik
Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at
Donation Page -

Our "Now Is The Time for WE" video is about the WE Campaign. It's under 2 minutes and features Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Dr. Jane Goodall:

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