Hannes Hauswedell <h2@fsfe.org> writes:
>   * a more appealing and cleaner "home"-page, with *one
>     recommendation* for the auto-detected platform

From: Timo Juhani Lindfors <timo.lindfors@iki.fi>
To: discussion@fsfeurope.org
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 01:46:32 +0300

The current long list of readers is very confusing.

(I also think that the name pdfreaders.org is bit misleading since it
does not list the most popular pdf reader in the world but I guess
renaming it to free-pdfreaders.org is already too late...)

From: Fioddor

I don't like the idea of a single-product recomendation. FSFE should remain AND LOOK LIKE neutral.
Neither a transparent auto-detection: people doing a selection for friends, users surfing the web from their workplace, fast consultation on the go (mobile set) looking for sw for the home system, ...).

I'd improve the long list turning it into a table with some criteria. Filtering (e.g javascript) would also be welcome.