One thing that might help ever so little ...

Several of my colleagues signed the letter.

My company wanted to support the project officially, including a donation of money, and desired to have its logo listed among the "supporting organizations".

However, these can only be non-profits/civil society organizations, so we couldn't be listed as official supporters (and our CEO kept his money).

I can understand that for-profit companies are not NGOs, but why not have a section with "supporting companies"? If many signed up, it would also make a statement that actual companies working within the economy etc. support this motion.


On 12/11/2017 12:15 PM, Gergely Székely wrote:

I worriedly watch the slowing down of the accumulation of the signatures of the Public Money Public Code open letter. I think this is a great campaign that should reach as much people as possible and the slowing down bellow 15k signatures sort of suggest that its spreading started fading way too soon.

Maybe we (FSFE volunteers, supporters, and members) should give the campaign an extra push. I'm pretty certain that the vast majority of people haven't even heard about the campaign yet.

Some ideas:
All in all: Keep spreading the message are way too many people to be reached!!!

What do you think?


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