Do you have some specification about why it should be a problem that this new standard is a problem if managed by US companies?

Because says that the SMS technology started in Europe but it was a multi national collaboration with various organizations.
Also I guess that there will be a retro compatibility with SMS.

Reading has retro compatibility and it is already offered since 88 operators and supported by the GSM association.

"In response to concerns over the lack of end-to-end encryption in RCS, Google stated that it would only retain message data in transit until it is delivered to the recipient." this because google added in their messages app the e2e encryption.
Also "Google added end-to-end encryption to their Messages app using the Signal Protocol as the default option for one-on-one RCS conversations starting in June 2021"

So reading the page doesn't seem an issue that Google or Apple will add support to this protocol (except for the e2e encryption that depends on the app used) as it is managed everything by the operators.

Just my 2 cents reading a bit on wikipedia and nothing else.

Daniele Scasciafratte - OpenSource MultiVersal Guy - @Mte90Net - GitHub - Italian Linux Society council member - Mozillian
Ex Mozilla Reps/TechSpeakers, WordPress Core Contributor,
LibreItalia member, Wikimedia Italia member and LUG Rieti founder.

Il 03/12/23 10:34, André Ockers ha scritto:
Dear members of the FSFE discussion list,

Please allow me to share a concern of mine. A business initiative of Google, 
supported by Apple, is Rich Communication Services (RCS), an open standard to 
replace SMS [1] [2] [3]. Questions that I have:
- 	Would it be a smart and wise decision to let a non-European business 
take control over replacing SMS?
-	Would it be a smart and wise decision to break SMS as a general 
accessible service?
-	What would consequences be for Free Software, the privacy and consumer 
rights of us Europeans, and the environment? 

Best regards,

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