

Wikipedia classifies the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) as GPL compatible.

This seems indeed resulting from the text (article 5 and annexe).


However external links refer to a memo "On the EUPL" by Georg C. F. Greve of the Free Software Foundation, stating:

"The last version of the EUPL we were presented with was a copyleft,
GPL incompatible Free Software license."
Could you please clarify and update?
Thank you!



Patrice-E. Schmitz |  Director EU Management Consulting

Unisys Belgium nv/sa |  Bourgetlaan 20 - Avenue du Bourget B-1130 Brussels  |   Phone 32 2 728 06 31 | Fax 32 2 728 04 09  Mobile 32 478 50 40 65 |

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