Yeah, I don't expect there will be much GNU in Firefox OS. Personally I would love to see a mobile GNU distro that stipulates software freedom, but compared to the utter jail that is iOS and the mirky grounds of Android/Linux I can only praise Mozilla's efforts. 

They might be talking about the "open web" instead, which is somewhat conflicting with the Free Software point of view, but their take on apps do give the opportunity to give the users the freedom they deserve. I could for example host my own apps, licensed under the AGPL and there won't be any shitty App Store rules preventing this.

But still, I would love to have a GNU in my pocket :)


-------- Original message --------
From: "Andreas K. Foerster" <>
Date: 27/02/2013 19:33 (GMT+01:00)
Subject: Name of the system (was: Firefox Mobile + Geeksphone = Awesome)


i think, it would be great if Firefox OS gets adopted.

One aspect, that I don't like however, is the choice of the name.
It uses Linux as it's kernel, and which libc does it use? The GNU libc?
Well, it was always unfortunate that most people don't mentioned GNU.
Now they stop even mentioning "Linux". They call it "Android", "ChomeOS",
"Firefox OS"... whatever.

Even large distros like Ubuntu and even Debian stopped to name it on their

Most people think GNU/Linux is an odd system, because barely anybody uses it,
they think.  However that is not the reality.  GNU/Linux is almost everywhere.
The real problem is not that it is barely used, but that those, who use it,
very often are not aware that they do.

I think, what we really need is, a better "marketing" for GNU/Linux.

AKFoerster <>
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