My connection with Daniel?  He is our representative, long live our representative

Looks like you are trying to whip up another excuse to send our rep back to us in a body bag and evade answering serious questions

funny FSFE accusing people of trolling and identity abuse, maybe the whole organization should be disbanded, the FSFE raison d'etre could
 be trolling the FSF?

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---- On Wed, 05 Sep 2018 12:20:32 +0200 Bernhard E. Reiter <> wrote ----


Am Mittwoch 05 September 2018 11:47:54 schrieb Paul Boddie:
> Although we should always be cautious about whether people are who they
> claim to be on the Internet, we should also exercise restraint in accusing
> people of not being who they might say they are. Otherwise, we risk denying
> someone their voice and ultimately their identity, which is a very
> undesirable outcome indeed.

this I agree to, sorry if my email was too direct and could be interpreted
as accusation itself. My intention was more to create an opportunity to
clarify this. As also written in my other mail, currently I am not aware of
identify abuse on this mailinglist.


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