unfortunately I stick still on the linguist layer at determine what is the fsf position to standards such as
din, iso and the like.
ššš http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reasonable_and_non-discriminatory_licensing
ššššš but the modalities discriminate against a whole category of intangible goods such asš
free software[6]
šššš Theš
Free Software Foundationšsuggests the term "uniform fee only" (UFO) to reflect that such "(F)RAND" licences are inherently discriminatory.
So if somebody can help me out?
1. is Din or p_iso to be considered as ufo?
1.1 is Din or p_iso considered fsf's fight against limited to "patents". Cause DIN or such are not patents.
1.1.1 Anyway I find it rather simple reckoning how dirty DIn harms the same way? No? Even the questions come up if a software that integrates such drugs can be called GPL-compatible. Why? Are there any duties of paying fee to propaganda complexes whithin the GPL for a source code understanding user? No.
2. Is this output from standardization propagandists any relevant in terms of "open standards", cause these cover explicitly only "formats" and "protocols", which is "Din" apparently neither nor.
3. Is there maybe some middle wide recognition gap, where propaganda causes fs-harming ufo-standardization to be still unnoticed. to be overseen, to be even protected that way? Is itš that we are dealing with, actually? A forest for a tree problem?
3.1 It is that I am interpreting Nico's post: "interesting". So what could be interesting or new specially in this issue for you long timer?
3.2 is the document freedom day then claiming for non-ufo standards in broader sense, including for example "DIN or ISO Standards"?
Thank you for an answer? And thanks you for any comment, it would help me.
30.05.2015, 10:40, "Nico Rikken" <nico.rikken@fsfe.org>:

Dear Tom,

This has crossed my mind as well. Although I wasn't aware about
standardization organizations offering these standards free of cost. In
the Netherlands one related aspect has been taken to court, namely that
some of the laws refer to standards which aren't available freely or
free of cost. It was ruled that this was not particular issue, as the
cost was justifiable for setting and maintaining the standards, and the
standard was available in a non-discriminatory fashion (if I remember

The collection of standardization bodies are quite complex, with
national organizations, industry-specific organizations, and
international organizations (ISO, EN, IEC), often approving each other's
standards. Coming from a power systems background, standards defining
electromechanical systems like fuses, power cables and circuit breakers
is very industry-specific and is mainly of interest to manufacturers and
system engineers, which then again are mostly larger organizations.
Somewhat remarkable my university has stopped adopting standards because
the little use in academics didn't justify the cost of the license.

The main difference with software standards, and web-standards in
particular seems to be that even individuals have the ability to create
a working product, as no industrial manufacturing process is required.
Adhering to closed, costly standards would be much more significant,
unless maybe a reference implementation (library) would be available for
use, removing the need for the actual standard to be read. So the cost
of common software standards is therefore required to be approaching

Scott's writing on standard adoption explain the way in which project
can adopt standards and the many issues related to bringing about open

I was reluctant to read an article by Gijs Hillenius in the Dutch Linux
Magazine regarding the updated Open Source strategy of the European
Commission, in which he pointed out that the EC was explicitly
considering open standards in favor of other established standards. I
consider this to be the confirmation that not-open standards are non
preferable in relation to free software.

As society seems to become more decentralized and dynamic, the
conventional standardization model will be under ever more pressure to
lower the barriers of access, regarding cost, license of use, and
transparency of process.

Thanks for bringing up this interesting topic. I'm very interested to
hear the viewpoints and findings of others on this as well.

Kind regards,
Nico Rikken


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