
I'm Samuel from Bucharest, Romania. I'm new on this list but i'm a close follower of the international news feeds on FOSS and other content alike for more than 5 year.
I'm writing this entry to present something i think is a great idea on how to transform the internet into a free and really open market.

The core ideaz of this project are:
  • It would be nice to have an worldwide publicly available data on products and services request;
  • It would be nicer if worldwide trading would be made in a much transparent environment;
  • It would be more interesting to have a general worldwide public data on the global market.
So around these issues the WWT project is oriented.

I'v presented the project in a few words here http://mediawrite.eu/world-wide-trade/ and for the moment i'm looking for some observations from other people who are familiar with the free software movement. I'v talked with a few programmers in Bucharest who find the project interesting, and i'm trying to find other opinions on it.

To be honest, I really like this idea but if its something interesting just in my opinion, I would leave it and not get involved in development around it.

Thanks in advance for any comment.