how can I help, do you need a turkish version or something else?

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 8:38 PM, Sam Tuke <samtuke@fsfe.org> wrote:
On 27/05/13 07:58, Vicen Rodriguez wrote:
> I think my English is not good enough to write that kind of letter. I've written a draft in Spanish an tried to translate it into English. Here are both versions:
>     https://public.pad.fsfe.org/p/MrErdogan

Excellent, I started editing the English version, but had to take some
calls and ran out of time today. I've put the editors team in CC in case
someone there can help out.

Ideally this should get sent this week, but that may not be possible
depending on who's available (I'm on holiday until next week, and some
other FSFE staff are taking days off after working the weekend at
LinuxTag conference).

I have also put Sinan Doganli in CC, who has campaigned on Free Software
issues in Turkey in the past and may be able to help.



Sam Tuke
Campaign Manager
Free Software Foundation Europe
IM : samtuke@jabber.fsfe.org
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