there is only one way to achieve your aiming in calming down situation and it is the one I suggested, that the current staff of FSFE has to go.

It is true that it is purely my personal opinion but it is also true that I have some experience in saying this, enough to say that FSFE will grow no longer if this suggestion is not taken seriously.

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:24 AM Erik Albers <> wrote:
Hi all,

On 06.09.2018 07:25, wrote:
> I don't know nothing about what's been talked about in this thread.
> This is just a reminder that there are probably many subscribers like
> me who don't have a clue of what is at stake here.
> Perhaps you should gather in a field, organize a tournament and come
> back when someone wins -- or have a good discussion somewhere IRL?
> In any case, please keep in mind that some readers may be completely
> lost and partially fed up with the spectacle.

this is my favourite post to the discussion in the last days. Thank you so
much for stepping up from the silence.

Please let us all try to calm down for a while and then let us discuss Free
Software topics again.

Thank you,

No one shall ever be forced to use non-free software
Erik Albers | Communication & Community Coordinator | FSFE
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