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From: bernard nikaj <bernard.nikaj@flossk.org>
Date: Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 3:32 PM
Subject: Software Freedom Kosova 2010

Dear all,

Following the success of the Software Freedom Kosova 2009 (SFK '09) Conference, FLOSSK and University of Prishtina are preparing to organize the next SFK '10 Conference.

The conference will be held on 25th and 26th of September and we hope will attract speakers from around the world as it did in 2009. Considering that you have been among the speakers of SFK '09, I encourage you to submit papers/presentations for this years conference. At the same time, I would like to kindly ask you to pass the attached CfP and information about SFK '10 to any of your friends/colleagues that might be interested to participate/speak.

It was a great honour having you in Prishtina last year. We hope to be able to welcome you again this year in any capacity you choose. Should you require any further information or assistance, feel free to contact us.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

with Best Regards,

Bernard Nikaj

Co-Chair, Papers/Programme Committee