It will be lie if l say l knew any of candidate and therefore l simply didn't vote

I know the candidates have been introduced in some chat session but not everyone is available for such stuff and I'd have found very useful if they were using ml, i.e. this discussion list.

The only person who showed up a bit was Daniel, despite my call. So l thought the rest of candidates had no interest and/or their candidacy maybe only symbolic...

However and whatever, to much noise about little things on the list for the last 3 days....

If you guys only spend your energies on something more relevant rather than about what we should call fellow etc. I am sure you will revolutionize FSFE.

I'd like to invite members, fellows or supporters​ (whatever else you guys want to call l couldn't care less) to use this list from now on for relevant topics that has relevancy to free software.

Apologies for the approach but l think it is necessary to stop this politics talk because this is not what FSFE been created for.


On Apr 27, 2017 05:15, "Florian Snow" <> wrote:
Hi Erik,

Thank you for trying to find the reasons for the low turnout.  I already
responded on fsfe-de, but I would like to sum up my thoughts here for
everyone who does not speak German.

I think it is unclear what the GA does and this makes it hard for people
to make a decision.  Even among us candidates, I think it is unclear
what the GA does.   The statements about what each of us wants to do as
part of the GA are so different, not just a different direction or
approach, they feel like they are about completely different tasks.  I
take this as another hint of the role of a Fellowship Representative and
the GA in general being unclear.

I also think many voters don't know us candiates.  Now there have been
many steps to introduce us, but looking at all the 7s in the votes, I
get the impression that many people knew one or two of the candidates
and put everyone else on rank 7.  That is a good choice if you want to
make sure that the candidates you know are ranked higher overall and
that is the approach I would take.  However, I think if more of the
candiates were known to the voters, the votes would use more of the
ranks.  This does not mean I think voting the way people have is a
problem, but I think it shows us that we should do more to show people
who the candidates are and what they stand for.

All in all, I think these two issues lead to voter turnout being left to
chance.  If the vote doesn't seem very important or it takes a
significant amount of time to find out more about the candidates, then
people will push off the vote and in the end, they may simply forget.  I
almost forgot multiple times in the past and I hardly ever knew who to
vote for.

Happy hacking!
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