With all due respect, you can moderate or do whatever you'd like, nobody is going to stop you. 

However, remember the purpose for which FSFE was founded. 

It is my personal opinion and based on knowledge/experience of free software community, the way things are right now, the FSFE staff does not comply nor suitable to the scope for which FSFE was born. The real ruler of FSFE is not the internal regulation that a few have designed but the community around it.

This is community space and and organisation like FSFE has no other alternative but to listen to the community and not the internal staff.

The so heated topic you refer to is getting overheated for a reason. For instance, l personally did not agree with Daniel's behaviour but l did find reasonable his requests, where the responses from FSFE was not different than the way he behaved. Actually exceeded. Or should l say there was no proper response?

Now, l have no political ambitions nor a specific reason to react in this manner but, would you mind to think twice why a quiet supporter (member or fellow whatever you'd like to call) like myself all of sudden came out with certain tone?

I am supporter, community evangelist and free software promoter, where l share the values, the philosophy and not only l share but l apply them as well to my daily life, etc.etc.etc.

What l am trying to say here is, by simply moderating or calming down situations like this you are not going to change the facts where FSFE is at the brink of 2 choices, a fork:

1. Do act wisely and go for changes or

2. Keep going the usual way ignoring the facts

We all can guess where FSFE will end up if point 2 chosen. There will also be no reason to keep that E (Europe) anymore if this is the case. Because as European citizen and as free software pioneer l will not allow such organisation to represent me.

Now, l met you personally and had a very quick chat with you and l think you are smarter than many people thinks and l talk with respect here. Therefore l invite you to reflect and meditate on what l just wrote/said.

I said what l have to say it, is up to care team to let this email pass through. Although this won't change my decision and opinion about the current FSFE.

All the best.


On Thu, 6 Sep 2018, 12:05 Florian Snow, <floriansnow@fsfe.org> wrote:
Dear list subscribers,

Many mails in the recent discussions do not add new arguments, but
rather fuel a heated meta-discussion about who said what with which
intention. Over the course of just one day, the CARE team was alerted to
several issues and more and more people, both on the list and in private
messages, raised their voices asking to avoid what they see as a debate
that is unproductive and unsuited for a mailing list.

To hopefully help calm down the situation, the list moderation team
decided to set this list on moderation from now until next Tuesday.

Every message that is on-topic, written in an appropriate tone, and in
line with our CoC will be delivered to the list, no matter the opinion.

We apologize for any potential delays in message delivery due to
moderation. Thank you very much and looking forward to many fruitful and
friendly discussions.

Happy hacking!
Florian for the moderators
Discussion mailing list

This mailing list is covered by the FSFE's Code of Conduct. All
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