Hi Bastien,

On Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 2:27 AM, <bzg@gnu.org> wrote:

I guess Sugar Labs partipates to the GSoC for the same reasons the
Free Software Foundation does it through the various GNU projects:
it's a way to write and promote free software that comes with no
strings attached.

If Facebook is "guilty" of anything, then Google is even guiltier. 
Everything objected to about FB applies to both.  FSF/E would
not condone GNU projects' participation in an "FBSoC", yet
GNU projects participate in GSoC.  I believe that's the classic
definition of a double standard.

But the question is: should a free software INSTITUTION use FB?

The original question was that, but https://www.fsf.org/facebook
and other docs were also mentioned above, and contain plenty
of references to "me" the individual, as well as "us" the institution.

While it may be difficult to leave Facebook at the individual level,
I'm sure it is not difficult at all to leave Facebook when you're an

What will FB do: show you picture of the Stallman crying because you
leave FB?

That had me LOLing :)
