I clearly quoted to Matthias's email, was that hard to understand this.

I don't think l have posted anything disrespectful here, ever in this ml.

So be nice and respect my feedback/opinion and stop with your lecturings plus insinuations pls.

Stop talking on behalf of Matthias Kirchner and let him exercise his own defence. I don't think I called you into this, don't remember mentioning your name.

More you talk this way and more he is not showing up more people will get convinced that things are upside down in this organisation.

This is becoming really noisy now, l have asked clearly to stop this debate that is running on different threads and let the main representative to feedback and respond to issues raised. Not accusations but issues. Apparently you ignored that email.

If you can be so kind to let Matthias to handle and talk on his behalf pls. Would appreciate that.

Best of luck.

On Tue, 4 Sep 2018, 09:06 Bernhard E. Reiter, <> wrote:

Am Montag 03 September 2018 22:12:28 schrieb Stefan Uygur:
> Pretty much it....
> Can't say l disagree.

thanks for quoting the HTML email.
Can you say to which you agree with in particular?
Carsten's statement that we believes that everything is basically fine?

> On Mon, 3 Sep 2018, 21:08 Matthias Hager, <> wrote:
> > All the crazy stuff on this list doesn't make you cringe?  The culture of
> > this organization is hideous.  Everybody is infected with it.

It is this kind of statements that we do not want here.
Even if you'd have a few persons that write in a disrespectful tone, there is
no need to generally accuse everybody.

What shall we do if questions are asked? Even in a disrespectful tone?
We had chosen the path to allow them and reply with answers and a good tone.
So we attempt to err in doubt of the argument. However if the tone is
degrading, we need to be more strict about our moderation policy to protect
the other people who want to ask and discuss in a civil tone.

> > Get a new leader and get a new culture.  Other people worry about too
> > many details but they are right about the solution: change

Sorry, change without detailed plan or purpose is just activism.
Something I do not like in politics in general. Do you?

> > Funny question but how did a little posse in Berlin trying to a-- f---
> > the absent fellowship rep benefit free software?

Daniel had several potential ways to make sure his opinion and vote would have
been represented. He had chosen to not pursue any of them. There also is a
second fellowship representative. And the change voted upon there was already
in planning before Daniel became to have a fellowship seat. He knows all this
and could not convince others about his ways of working over several months
and now does not accept what a majority has concluded and goes public here.
It is yours do judge the discussion of course.


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