Actions noted were:
App Process    BB/RN still finalising checks. have identified flaw on eval process, being updated. will then pass to SC.
                        Search facilities to be reviewed RN/BB
                        Forecast complete by end week
Website        Access not achieved. RN to resend all access info/passwords. All to comment on asap. GT/SC to discuss by end week.
Docs            Complete subject to final proof reading. all to do. GT/SC to finalise by end week.
Legal/Governance       Docs completed and returned to BB. BB to finalise Bank account.
                                Directors ins quote to be obtained now doc complete - BB.
                                Gov Council    SC/GG to approach KDE/Alan Cox. Gt to approach KdV.
Sign Ups                    Plan to start next week. Gt to draw up spreadsheet to avoid duplication.
Launch Plan            Gt to discuss with SM this week.
Rgds G