Fellowship elections participation

Jonas Oberg jonas at fsfe.org
Tue Apr 25 17:32:30 UTC 2017

Hi Daniel,

> If there were new words to consider, could the discussion be re-opened?

I would be hesitant about having a new discussion, at least one which
we would need to spend staff time on. If there would be a more complete
proposal made for a new direction, then this would of course be easier
to base a new discussion or vote on.

> I understand there is also a related topic of the legal status of a
> "member" and the question of what to call Fellows/Supporters is related
> to whether they are members or not.

Fellows/Supporters are not members. Members are those who have applied to
be so and there's information about who should become a member and how to
do so on our Wiki:


There was a brief discussion about whether Fellows/Supporters should be
members, but I believe the rough consensus was to consider Fellows/
Supporters as those financially supporting the organisation, and have
"Member" of various kinds for people who are part of the work: member
of the organisation, member of the coordinators team, member of the
French team, and so on.


Jonas Öberg, Executive Director
Free Software Foundation Europe | jonas at fsfe.org
Your support enables our work (fsfe.org/join)

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