Boing Boing: "Intel x86s hide another CPU that can take over your machine (you can't audit it)"

Erik Grun egnun at
Mon Jun 20 12:14:20 UTC 2016

"Intel x86s hide another CPU that can take over your machine (you can't
audit it)"

This article is quite interesting – and scary.

It is very clear that we need to do something about Intels Damagement
But I don't quite know what we can do.

It is clear that we need to raise as much attention as we can.

We could also put pressure on Intel
by openly boycotting and telling them to free their ME.

Another option would be to simply avoid Intel (and their x86 processors).
We could use truly free processor architectures[1] like RISC-V,
OpenRISC or MIPS(?) instead.

Another thing that bugs me is AMD.
Do they have something similar to Intels Damagement Engine?
What about ARM?


-- Erik


pub   rsa4096/0xC02662E2370D6F27 2016-05-27 [SCA] [verfällt: 2017-05-27]
  Schl.-Fingerabdruck = 7E0E 8A9E EAEE 075D E689  F32F C026 62E2 370D 6F27
uid                [  ultimativ] Erik Grun <egnun at>
uid                [  ultimativ] Erik Grun <egnun at>
sub   rsa4096/0x1DF94895FA78155E 2016-05-27 [E] [verfällt: 2017-05-27]

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