IRC cloaks on Freenode available

Jonas Oberg jonas at
Fri Aug 26 07:27:05 UTC 2016

Dear all,

if you're a Freenode user, perhaps regularly a part of our #fsfe
channel, you now have the option of getting an FSFE-affiliated cloak.
For those of you who don't know, an IRC cloak is a replacement for
your IP number or domain name when people query your name on IRC, so
instead of showing up as "jonas at" (as an example), you'd
show up as "jonas at fsfe/jonas" [^1].

I documented this here:

If you want a cloak, you need to have a NickServ registered name, an
FSFE account (by being a Fellow or a volunteer[^2]), and you need to
let me know you want one: I'll communicate this to the Freenode staff
which will activate your cloak.

AS there may be quite a few cloak requests in the beginning, I'll
collect requests and send to Freenode on a ~weekly basis.

[^1]: Please note though that a cloak while giving some privacy does
not give you perfect privacy and it's generally not much of a problem
for someone to figure out your IP address anyway.
[^2]: See for more

Jonas Öberg, Executive Director
Free Software Foundation Europe | jonas at
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