Uncorrectable freedom and security issues on x86 platforms

Timothy Pearson tpearson at raptorengineeringinc.com
Sat Apr 23 03:41:25 UTC 2016

Hash: SHA1

On 04/22/2016 10:28 PM, Marc Landolt wrote:
> Hello Timothy Pearson
> wouldn't this way not be better:
> https://diasp.eu/posts/4205465
> (compy of the Text below)

No, we are not associated with nor do we work with the NSA.  We are
simply interested in retaining access to libre computing resources
without having to jump back at least 10 - 20 years in available
computing power.

To highlight the fact that we are not operating under outside orders, we
even publish a warrant canary [1].

While certain countries *may* be able to semi-legally hack the ME and
gain the requisite signing keys, much of the developed world will *not*
be able to do that or use the resultant information.  Further, you would
be continuing a computing / security arms race purely for the sake of
staying glued to an architecture that is not only effectively single
source, but also has strong connections to corporations that are
continually acting to take away computing liberty.

All I am attempting to do at this point is highlight the growing
problem.  If you don't care about raw computing power there are already
several ARM-based options that make reasonable daily drivers, such as
the ASUS C201.  From my perspective, anyone continuing to purchase
modern x86 systems after being made aware of this problem is simply
accepting the fact that computers are now locked down appliances bound
by an EULA, much like proprietary software.  Personally I don't want to
see that possible future happen; this will be an interesting several

[1] https://secure.raptorengineeringinc.com/content/base/canary.htm

- -- 
Timothy Pearson
Raptor Engineering
+1 (415) 727-8645 (direct line)
+1 (512) 690-0200 (switchboard)
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