Fellowship quotes

Jelle Hermsen jelle at fsfe.org
Wed Feb 15 17:58:12 UTC 2012

Here's my quote. I haven't got a photo handy, but you could always use my FSFE Planet hackergotchi, or I could look one up if you actually want to use my scribbling.

"Free Software made me the programmer I am today. I use it to tinker, make music, type up horrible poems and share the world my silly little opinions. I want to help spread the great ideas, and make this community a friendly place for everyone,  regardless of age, technological literacy or gender. I want to throw my tiny pebble in the pond, so I joined the Fellowship."

> Thus, we are, as of now, collecting quotes from our Fellows on what it
> means to be a Fellow, why they became Fellows, what part has the
> Fellowship played in their life, et cetera. The quotes should not be
> too long and they should be accompanied by the Fellow's picture. I
> cannot guarantee we will use all the quotes, but I am sure we will use
> some. Thus, by sending in a quote and a picture you obviously consent
> to whatever use the FSFE is going to put those quotes to. :-)

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