pdfreaders.org feedback

Michel Roche pichel at vercors-net.com
Thu Feb 5 18:41:28 UTC 2009


there are a couple of issues I want to raise about the campaign that  
comments made about the article I wrote on linuxfr.org arose to me.

We are all agreeing that this campaign aims at targetting the average  
user, informing him/her of the existence of Free/Libre software to  
read PDF documents that aren't only Free/beer.
In this respect, we can assume that those people are mainly using  
windows with few technological knowledge.

- In the windows column of the pdfreaders.org page, the first offered  
software is Okular. It seems that the KDE installer is not a bad  
thing, but it leads to a complex operation for the user : two  
softwares to install. OK there's a little note explaining it, but..

- If we take a look at the simpliest : Sumatra, you arrive in an also  
complex page where just under the binary installer commes a zip with  
the sources => if the user is reassured by the zip which may be less  
scaring than the exe, he'll be downloading sources !

- And another big concern is that none of the related pages are  
translated, so pdfreaders.org may do for english speaking people, but  
will be a showstopper for all others !

Things we could do to bettern the campaign :

- Present the software with a special first line with the simpliest  
ones to install, for each platform (win and mac)
- get in touch with the site maintainers of the related projects to  
help them :
	- ease the presentation of their download page, maybe by making a new  
page "download for dumbs"
	- translate those pages !


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