Mentioning the Fellowship in fsfeurope mailman footers

Ciaran O'Riordan ciaran at
Mon Jun 18 04:22:07 UTC 2007

I'm currently looking for ways to make sure supporters of FSFE or free
software are aware of the Fellowship.  The two main ways that FSFE
communicates with supporters are our websites and our mailing lists.

So I'm working with the web teams to put "Fellowship" buttons on the
websites, and I've suggested adding this to the end of the Mailman footer
for the lists:

  "FSFE is supported by the Fellowship:"

Some people internally pointed out that some people may see this as
obnoxious advertising, so I'm checking here.

Would people object to the mailman footers included that
line?  And if this suggestion isn't ok, is there an alternative?

P.S. If there are other ways that FSFE should be promoting the Fellowship,
I'd be interested to here them to - just change the Subject: when replying.

CiarĂ¡n O'Riordan __________________ \ _________ \  GPLv3 and other work supported by \   Fellowship:

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