Fw: Query about GNU-GPL

Alfred M. Szmidt ams at kemisten.nu
Thu Mar 24 11:00:44 UTC 2005

   Please excuse my vagueness.  I call Bison and pass it an input file
   which I've written.  Bison generates a file of C++ code which I
   compile and link with the object files generated from my own code.

Note that this depends on what Bison includes, and what the license is
of Bison.  I think Bison (like gcc, automake, and autoconf) has a
special clause that allows you to use the output under any license you

Under a plain version of the GPL, then I think this would the output a
derived work.

   I don't believe that a library becomes a "derived work" of a
   program that includes it (it was the "and vice versa" part).  I
   meant that I don't entirely agree with what's said at

I fail to see what there is to disagree with, the program and library
become one entity, so you have made a derived work of the program, and
of the library.

   I can see that this is a tricky question and it might be difficult
   to translate into legal terms.

I don't see how it is tricky, A includes B in some way to create C,
then C must follow the license of A _and_ B.  If the license of A and
B are incompatible, then C is illegal.  Now one can argue about what
"include" means, I think that if they share code in anyway then this
constitues inclusion.  Note how this is differnt from just using (more
precisly, running something) the code.

   However, since my package is free and the licenses of the packages
   it uses are also free, I don't feel impelled to do anything about

I'm not arguing or even trying to convince you that you should do

   No offense meant.

None taken. :)

   You claimed that certain actions would be illegal.  I interpret the
   passages in the GNU GPL FAQ as indicating that they would not be,
   assuming the license of the library permits the intended use.

Yes, but in this case (the GPL) doesn't premit this.  If it would
premit it, then the whole discussion is kinda useles, no?

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