
Ben Finney ben at
Sat Feb 19 07:02:58 UTC 2005

On 18-Feb-2005, Matthias Kirschner wrote:
> "News 09-12-2004 (future news will be in my Slashdot Journal [2]):
> James Ewing did it again: he phoned/emailed the hosting company of
> and claimed that Nick (owner of the domain) was hosting
> illegal copies of Sveasoft firmware.  Which, as we know, isn't true
> since the software is under GPL. However the company doesn't seem to
> have heard the word GPL yet, let alone understood what it means so they
> reacted by taking the (entire!) domain offline.
> [...]
> Does someone have time to take a deeper look at this or know already
> more about this? A lot of people seem to be really confused about the

Worse, a lot of countries have laws that force ISPs to react to a mere
unsubstantiated claim of copyright violation, without notifying their

 \           "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their |
  `\          home."  -- Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of |
_o__)                                    Digital Equipment Corp., 1977 |
Ben Finney <ben at>
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