Embedded software projects under GPL

Alessandro Rubini rubini at gnudd.com
Fri Jul 9 07:47:40 UTC 2004


> To be more precise: I know that I place it on my local server but I`d
> like to know if there is a place to announce it. So far I did not find
> a matching group.

If the project runs on ARM and uses a Linux kernel, you should announce
it on linux-arm-kernel; same for other platforms. People working with
kernel is usually the same people working on the hardware, or at least
they are pretty near.  I do not know a matching group, either, though
I didn't searched for it, but I think the relevant kernel list is a good
place to go. Well, if it's a gnu/linux machine.  You might want to
look at what the LART group did, probably google will find where
they announced their project.

hope this helps


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