severe charge with trademark issues by "Asterix and Obelix"

Werner Koch wk at
Wed Jan 9 18:54:06 UTC 2002

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002 19:37:38 +0100, Friedrich Lindenberg said:

> I really don't understand why someone tries this hard to stop the
> development of the Open-Source movement and other on-line groups.

Aside from the fact the FvG probably gets some good revenue from his
special methods, he also gets a lot of public relation for free.
Given that lawyers are not allowed to advertise in Germany, this is a
nice side effect.

To protect yourself from his expensive "letters" you can hire him as a
lawyer.  I know a company in my home town which exactly did this.

The abuse of the trademark system is really worrisome but for now it
is more important to fight against patents.  It won't help us to
succeed in getting the trademark system back to for what it was
established if we are all out of business/funwork due to changes in
the patent system.



Werner Koch                  Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit,   
FSF Europe                   dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur,
Vice-Chancellor Germany      quomodo habenda est.        -- Augustinus

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